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Welcome to the walkthrough of Photographer 1 presented by VulnHub, a boot-to-root machine which focuses on Koken CMS unrestricted file upload vulnerability leading to RCE. The vulnerable machine can be downloaded from here.

Hints for machine.

  1. Netdiscover, Nmap
  2. Port 8000 Koken CMS
  3. Smbclient
  4. Php file upload
  5. Shell
  6. Finding SUID - php7.2
  7. Privilege Escalation


# Finding IP address

Once the machine is deployed the first task is to obtain its IP address. We will use tool named netdiscover to discover all the IPs in our internal network 

Command is

sudo netdiscover -i eth0

Since no other virtual machine is up, this seems like the IP address of the victim.

# Nmap scan

As usual we start with basic nmap scan.

Command is

sudo nmap -sC -sV -T4 <IP>

Command details

  • sudo – to run with root privileges
  • -sC – running default scripts
  • -sV – Version/Services info
  • -T4 – faster execution

Looking at the results we have a higher port 8000 open that is running Koken, port 139 and 445 running samba and port 80 with default Apache webpage.

# Port 8000 enumeration

We know it’s running Koken CMS version 0.22.24, lets quickly search for a exploit using searchsploit for given version.


searchsploit Koken 0.22.24

We have one exploit. To copy the exploit either you download it from browser or just mirror it to your current directory using the command 

searchsploit -m php/webapps/48706.txt

Before moving forward and using any exploit I like to do basic enumeration of the exploit itself. Since this exploit requires Authentication, we need credentials for login as well as we don’t know how to access the login page. Understanding the exploit code comes in handy, the exploit gives us a directory named /admin which is a login form.

I tried some default creds but did not work.

# Port 139 and 445 – Smbclient

Smbclient is similar to ftp and is used to access resources from server.

To list the shares, we use the command

smbclient -L ////<IP>

To access a share, we use the command (-N for accessing shares without password).

smbclient -N //<IP>/sambashare

There are two files. Let’s download these to our machine using command get.

I tried to analyze the backup zip but it was a rabbit hole.

Reading the content of mailsent.txt using cat command.

This file gives us lots of information like emails and possible username. The last line gives us a secret “babygirl”, maybe it’s a password.

I tried login with [email protected]:babygirl and got logged in successfully.

Now we follow the exploit process.

Fire up burp suite and we will intercept the request. First, we click on “Import content” button present in bottom right corner. 

I used php reverse shell from Payload All the Things and changed the extension to jpg to upload and turn on the burp to intercept this request.

After intercepting the request in burp, change the extension back to php and the forward the request. 

The shell has been uploaded. To access it we mouse-over to “Download File” button on top right corner and open it in new tab.

But before that we need a listener to catch our reverse shell. You can use tools like pwncat, msf-handler or netcat to catch the reverse shell.

Use command nc -nvlp 1234 to start a netcat listener.

Opening the php reverse shell file, we get a connection back. We are a low privileged user as of now.

Before any further enumeration lets stabilize our shell.

Command is

python3 -c “import pty;pty.spawn(‘/bin/bash’)”

 ## Privilege Escalation using SUID binaries

To find SUID binaries we use a liner command

find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null

There is a SUID that's can be used for privilege escalation - php7.2

Use the command 

/usr/bin/php7.2 -r "pcntl_exec('/bin/sh', ['-p']);"

 And now we are root.

Pretty easy machine, main focus was on Koken CMS upload functionality.

Thanks for reading !


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